I'm pleased to present at Linux Bangalore 2004
Following up my presence last year's Linux Bangalore 2003, I'm very pleased to again be invited to present at this year's incarnation.
Unfortunately I had to shift the main focus of my presentations a bit towards political/legal issues, so there's one presentation about How to interact with the Free Software Community, one about The GPL is not public domain, and for all the tech savvy guys, there's A tour through the Linux 2.6 network stack.
I'm happy to present on those political and legal issues, because I think this is the opportunity to get this kind of knowledge into the Indian IT outsourcing industry, before it is too late (like apparently happened with most of the Taiwanese embedded Linux vendors).
I'm happy to see an increasing number of high profile speakers at Linux Bangalore, and it's now becoming (to the best of my knowledge) a big internationally recognized Linux event.