First-time visit to (South) Korea in January
Despite being a business trip (more details might be disclosed later, after it has happened), I will talk about this in the 'personal' section of my blog.
I'll be in Joungin-City and Seoul for about 10 days in early January. Most of them are probably spent with busy working days, but the weekend is definitely free for some sight seeing and the like.
I've always been excited about Korea (for whatever reason), and it is definitely one of the major countries in South-East-Asia that I haven't visited yet. I know it is culturally very difficult and probably hard to get adjusted. Some business travellers rank it as higher difficulty than Japan, let even aside China or Taiwan.
In any case, I'm happy to go there and get a first impression. Too sad that it's the wrong (cold) time of the year. But well, the first trip doesn't have to be the last.
Some almost two more weeks will be spent again in Taipei, where I am looking forward to some exciting appointments, before I seem to be heading for some more work in India in February, potentially visiting FOSDEM before.