More of Curitiba and surroundings

The last two days I had a rental car. First I visited "Vila Velha"

Vila Velha really is both beatufil and impressive. Took lots of pictures of those unique rock formations dating back from the ice age.

On the next day (after some OpenEZX hacking) I first drove to Santa Felicidade to visit the cemetery there. Took a couple of pictures, since it is quite unique in that it is a very urban cemetery. Multiple storeys (!) and all concrete floors. Obviously, people can only put urns there, no dead bodies...

Next I drove to the Graciosa road, which I still remembered from my trip to Morretes five years ago. The Graciosa road is the old connection between Curitiba and the harbour. It leads through the few 3% of remaining "mata atlantica", south Brazils version of the rain forest. It's a small, extremely curvy road with lots of viewpoints to the surrounding mountains. Also did a short walk into the forest, tried to take a couple of pictures of an amazing ant trail which must have been multiple hundreds of meter long.