Back to Taiwan the first time after 5 years

Some of the readers of this blog know that I have a very special relationship with Taiwan. As a teenager, it was the magical far-away country that built most of the PC components in all my PCs since my first 286-16 I got in 1989. Around 2006-2008 I had the very unexpected opportunity to work in Taiwan for some time (mainly for Openmoko, later some consulting for VIA). During that time I have always felt most welcome in and fascinated by the small island nation who managed to turn themselves into a high-tech development and manufacturing site for ever more complex electronics. And who managed to evolve from decades of military dictatorship and turn into a true democracy - all the while being discriminated by pretty much all of the countries around the world, as everybody wanted to benefit from cheap manufacturing in mainland China and hence expel democratic Taiwan from the united nations in favour of communist mainland Chine.

I have the deepest admiration for Taiwan to manage all of their economic success and progress in terms of democracy and freedom despite the political situation across the Taiwan strait, and despite everything that comes along with it. May they continue to have the chance of continuing their path.

Setting economy, society and politics behind: On a more personal level I've enjoyed their culinary marvels from excellent dumplings around every street corner to niu rou mien (beef noodle soup) to ma la huo guo (spicy hot pot). Plus then the natural beauty, particularly of the rural mountainous regions once you leave the densely populated areas around the coast line and the plains of the north west.

While working in Taiwan in 2006/2007 I decided to buy a motorbike. Using that bike I've first made humble day trips and later (once I was no longer busy with stressful work at Openmoko) multiple week-long road trips around the island, riding on virtually any passable road you can find. My typical routing algorithm is "take the smallest possible road from A to B".

So even after concluding my work in Taiwan, I returned again and again for holidays, each one with more road trips. For some time, Taiwan had literally become my second home. I had my favorite restaurants, shops, as well as some places around the rural parts of the Island I cam back to several times. I even managed to take up some mandarin classes, something I never had the time for while doing [more than] full time work. To my big regret, it's still very humble beginner level; I guess had I not co-started a company (sysmocom) in Berlin in 2011, I'd have spent more time for a more serious story.

In any case, I have nothing but the fondest memory of Taiwan. My frequent visits cam to a forcible halt with the COVID-19 pandemic, Taiwan was in full isolation in 2020/21, and even irrespective of government regulations, I've been very cautious about travel and contact. Plus of course, there's always the bad conscience of frequent intercontinental air travel.

Originally I was planning to finally go on an extended Taiwan holiday in Summer 2024, but then the island was hit by a relatively serious earthquake in April, affecting particularly many of the remote mountain regions that are of main interest to me. There are some roads that I'd have wanted to ride ever since 2008, but which had been closed every successive year when I went there, due to years of reconstructions after [mostly landslides following] earthquakes and typhoons. So I decided to postpone it for another year to 2025.

However, in an unexpected change of faith, the opportunity arose to give the opening Keyonte at the 2024 Open Compliance Summit in Japan, and along with that the opportunity to do a stop-over in Taiwan. It will just be a few days of Taipei this time (no motorbike trips), but I'm very much looking forward to being back in the city I probably know second or third-best on the planet (after Berlin, my home for 23 years, as well as Nuernberg, my place of birth). Let's see what is still the same and what has changed during the past 5 years!