Work related stuff

hmw-consulting (Freelancing)

I've been freelancing since 1997, covering consulting, training, software development, electronics engineering, security research and many other tasks regarding a variety of topics within my area of expertise.

I'm still available for freelance work (consulting, training, development), particularly in the area of mobile communications systems and their security. If you have any demand, feel free to contact me.

You can find more information about my freelancing work at

sysmocom - systems for mobile communications GmbH

In 2011, I co-founded a company called sysmocom - systems for mobile communications GmbH. This company is developing a variety of products and components for mobile communications networks, primarily on the infrastructure side.

At sysmocom we also maintain and extend the various GSM/ related Free Software projects like OpenBSC, OsmoNITB, OsmoSGSN, OsmoBTS, OmsoPCU.

My official title at sysmocom is Managing Director, but that doesn't mean that I spend my time clogged up with management and administrative tasks more than minimally required. I need to write low-level code and/or design electronics in order to stay sane ;)

You can find more information about sysmocom at