First osmo-nvs-gps evaluation boards soldered
At the osmocom project, we recently discovered the most interesting NVS NV08C-CSM module. It not only is a superb GPS receiver, but it includes GALILEO and GLONASS receivers, too. However, it's only available as an industry module, or as an expensive (700 EUR or so) evaluation kit.
Given the cheap PCB prototyping service at seeedstudio, I thought I'd spend an afternoon creating the schematics and PCB layout for an evaluation board. It exports the two 3.3V UARTs on OsmocomBB-style 2.5mm jacks, so they can be used with the T191 cables. I have the feeling this 2.5mm jack is becoming a new standard for low-voltage RS232 links ;)

Furthermore, it exports the SPI, I/O and I2C on a 20pin 2.54mm pitch header, connects to an external antenna via a MCX socket and has an optional footprint for a CR2032 battery on the bottom side.
So far, the board seems to be working fine. If there is interest in the bare PCB itself (without components!), please send me an e-mail. Depending on the amount of interest we might add it to the sysmocom webshop.
Schematics and Gerber files will be available at soon.